Senin, 04 Mei 2020

Easiest Way to Cook Yummy Sup candil (tang yuan)

Sup candil (tang yuan). Hari ini saya berbagi resep cara memasak bubur candil ala taiwan,orang taiwan bilang bubur tang yuan. Cara memasak bubur candil ala. #tradisi#orang#taiwan# sembayangan DI bulan desember tang yen /bubur candil. Tangyuan or tang yuan is a Chinese dessert that is a ball of glutinous rice flour and water that has been either boiled and served in a hot broth or syrup or else deep-fried.

Sup candil (tang yuan) Chinese people believe the round food symbolize completeness and family gathering. Back to the old Now making tangyuan can be quite easy and quick due to the easy access to glutinous rice flour. Savory Tang Yuan are sticky rice dumplings filled with pork, salted radish, and mushrooms, perfect for celebrating Chinese New Year & the Lantern Festival. You can have Sup candil (tang yuan) using 10 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Sup candil (tang yuan)

  1. Prepare 200 grm of tepung ketan.
  2. Prepare 2 batang of bayam jepang (po chai).
  3. It's 150 ml of air hangat suhu 70c.
  4. You need 3 siung of bawang merah.
  5. You need 3 sendok mkn of minyak.
  6. It's 1/2 sendok teh of garam.
  7. It's 1/4 sendok teh of lada halus.
  8. Prepare of Penyedap/bumbu kaldu secukup nya.
  9. Prepare 2 tetes of pewarna merah.
  10. It's 800 ml of air/kaldu.

Tang Yuan (汤圆) are a traditional sign of Chinese New Year, made with sweet and savory fillings. You're probably most familiar with the sweet. Tang yuan are a popular Chinese dessert. These glutinous rice balls are often found at holiday celebrations, like Winter Tang yuan are traditionally eaten during the Winter Solstice and during Lantern Festival, which marks the final day of the Chinese New Year celebrations.

Sup candil (tang yuan) instructions

  1. Siap kan bahan nya.
  2. Siapkan panci,uleni tepung kentan dengan 150 air hangat, uleni hingga ter campur rata dan kalis, lalu bagi 2 bagian, yang satu bagian beri 2 tetes pewarna merah.
  3. Kemudian bentuk bulat-bulat se besar kelereng.
  4. Cuci bersih sayur lalu potong-potong.
  5. Rebus candil dengan air mendidih hingga mengapung, kurang lebih 4 menit, lalu angkat dan tiriskan.
  6. Goreng bawang merah dengan 3 sendok mkn minyak,goreng hingga ke kuning kuningan lalu angkat, sisih kan,kemudian masukan 800 ml air/kaldu kedalam wajan, masak hingga mendidih,masukan sayur bayam jepang/po chai dan candil aduk rata, masak 3 menit bumbui dengan garam, penyedap/bumbu kaldu,lada halus,koreksi rasa, mati kan api,angkat dan tuang sup ke dalam mangkok.
  7. Taburi dengan bawang goreng.
  8. Sup candil nya siap untuk di sajikan.

Tang yuan are small dumplings made with glutinous rice flour and water. The circular shape of the dumplings symbolizes one's family coming together Tang yuan dough made with room temperature water is less sticky to the hands and stays moist a little longer. It is also a relief for your hands when. Tang Yuan (汤圆) is kind of like round dumplings. The dough is made of glutinous rice flour and water, and the filling usually consists of ground nut, sugar and lard.

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